News list for " satoshi"


波卡旗下Web3基金会宣布资助链上跨境支付项目Satoshipay,以支持其开发基于Polkadot链上的法币/加密货币网关服务Vortex,Web3基金会暂未披露资助金额,但Satoshipay透露其已募资约85万美元,涉及投资方还包括Blue Star Capital和Alexander Wilke等天使投资人。

2025-02-28 05:34:38
SAF Lianchuang: More than 30 states in the United States will introduce policies to support bitcoin and digital assets this year

According to Dennis Porter, co-founder of the Satoshi Action Fund (SAF), "more than 30 states in the US will have policies in place to support bitcoin and digital assets by 2025."

2025-02-16 02:21:06
SAF 联创:今年美国将有 30 多个州出台支持比特币和数字资产的政策

据 Satoshi Action Fund(SAF)联合创始人 Dennis Porter 于 X 发文表示:“2025 年美国有 30 多个州出台支持比特币和数字资产的政策。”

2025-02-16 02:21:06
Arkham updates Satoshi Nakamoto's position address, the current position is worth about $107.46 billion

Arkham has added an additional 22,000 Satoshi addresses to the Satoshi entities it monitors, bringing the current total balance of BTC to 1,096,354, worth around $107.46 billion.

2025-02-05 05:34:35

Arkham宣布已支持监测中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)持仓地址,中本聪地址当前持有1,096,354枚比特币,价值约1088.8亿美元。

2025-02-04 17:29:54
Opinion: Complete abolition of cryptocurrency capital gains taxes requires congressional approval and is unlikely to happen anytime soon

On January 26, Satoshi ActionFund co-founder Dennis Porter wrote in X that the complete elimination of capital gains taxes on cryptocurrencies requires congressional approval and is unlikely to be achieved in the short term. Dennis Porter believes that the main obstacle is the significant loss of tax revenue, which makes it difficult for such a proposal to be included in the upcoming tax bill.

2025-01-26 03:32:35


2025-01-26 03:32:35
SAF Lianchuang: The United States may add a new state to the "strategic bitcoin reserve" movement

Satoshi Action Fund (SAF) co-founder Dennis Porter posted on the X platform that a state legislator has contacted him via private message to say that another state will join the "strategic bitcoin reserve" movement. Porter said, "States will play a leading role."

2025-01-26 02:49:46
SAF 联创:美国或将新增一州加入"战略性比特币储备"运动

Satoshi Action Fund(SAF)联合创始人 Dennis Porter 在 X 平台发文称,一位州议员已通过私信与其取得联系,表示将有另一个州加入"战略性比特币储备"运动。Porter 表示,"各州将发挥主导作用。"

2025-01-26 02:49:46
SAF has met with members of the US Congress to discuss the "Bitcoin Strategic Reserve" proposal

Dennis Porter, co-founder and CEO of the Satoshi Action Fund (SAF), posted on social media that he met with U.S. lawmakers to discuss a proposal to establish a "strategic bitcoin reserve" and said "now is the time."

2025-01-22 22:59:29

Satoshi Action Fund(SAF)联合创始人兼 CEO Dennis Porter 在社交平台发文,称在自己与美国立法者会面,讨论建立“战略比特币储备"的提案,并表示"现在正是时机"。

2025-01-22 22:59:29
Satoshi Action Fund has raised $300,000

On January 15th, Dennis Porter, co-founder and CEO of Satoshi Action Fund (SAF), posted on the X platform that Satoshi Action has raised $300,000 of the $500,000 fundraising goal in 60 days. There are still two weeks left in the fundraising period.

2025-01-15 00:15:25
Satoshi Action Fund联创:Satoshi Action目前已筹集30万美元

1月15日消息,Satoshi Action Fund(SAF)联合创始人兼CEO Dennis Porter在X平台发文表示,Satoshi Action目前在60天内筹款目标50万美元中已筹集到30万美元。筹款期还剩两周时间。

2025-01-15 00:15:25
New Hampshire Proposes Bill to Establish "Strategic Bitcoin Reserve"

Dennis Porter, co-founder and CEO of the Satoshi Action Fund (SAF), said in a post on the X platform that New Hampshire State Assemblyman Keith Ammon has introduced a bill proposing to establish a "strategic reserve" that would allow the state treasury to invest in precious metals (such as gold, silver, platinum) and digital assets (including bitcoin). The bill would introduce new provisions to clarify the definitions of "qualified custodian" and "secure custody solutions" to ensure the safe cus...

2025-01-10 16:09:31

Satoshi Action Fund(SAF)联合创始人兼CEO Dennis Porter在X平台发文表示,新罕布什尔州州议员Keith Ammon提交了一项法案,提议建立“战略储备”,允许州财政部投资于贵金属(如黄金、白银、铂金)以及数字资产(包括比特币)。 该法案将引入新的规定,明确“合格托管人”和“安全托管解决方案”的定义,以确保数字资产的安全保管,并通过经监管批准的交易产品进行操作。

2025-01-10 16:09:31